Hi! I am a homeschool mom of 4 beautiful and amazing children! I love to cook healthy meals, read, garden, explore the outdoors and stick to a budget. I really have too many loves to list, but those are some! We just moved from
As a child and youth I went through the public school system. I did everything to keep up and yet it was never good enough. I was very “dumbed down” by my teachers and peers. And somewhere along the way I believed I could not learn, read or write. It was hard for me to find my “genius” because of the beliefs I held within myself.
When I was 21 I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. It was a wonderful experience sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others! During this time I made an amazing discovery about myself. I could learn! I can read! And I can write! Gaining this knowledge has changed my life forever.
I married an amazing guy who is very open minded and very supportive! Once we started our family I knew I wanted different options for my children than what I had. Along the way of carefully praying about what was best for my children…I was led to the homeschool community.
Within the homeschool community I was introduced to a philosophy called the Thomas Jefferson Education. Through the Thomas Jefferson Education (or TJed) philosophy I have been completely inspired as a mother and mentor to my children. Our homeschool has taken on new meaning and lengthened to greater heights. I have fully embraced the TJed ways and hope to share with others the greatness!
My vision stems on my greatest desires for my children. I know they can reach their fullest potential as they get a great leadership education and discover their life’s mission and who God intended for them to be. Our nation needs great leaders! Who better than mine and yours!
So with that being said along with building a TJed community here in
Here is the breakdown for my Vision:
Jan. 2012 Start a Moms (Dad’s invited) Book Colloquia
Jan. 2012 Start kids groups (like Liberty Girls) talk to Moms and meet the needs
July 2012
Sept. 2012 Start a youth class (like "Shakespeare Conquest")
July 2013 More Mentor training in
Sept. 2013 Commonwealth school open in
Over the next year and a half, it is my hope that you and your children will take this journey with me. Educate yourselves (hence, the book colloquia) and be involved in our community and school!
To learn more about what TJed is and Commonwealth schools click the links on the left.
I love you all and can't wait to meet you!
Hooray! I have been waiting for this for a long time. I have always believed that classical literature is what led me to a love for learning. I have such a distaste for public schooling and the herding of cattle I see when I am there. Im with you all the way!